Keto beyond the basics. When you're ready to go deeper, these posts dive into questions you may have after your initial research that other sources leave unanswered.
If you’re satisfied with the results you’re getting from your low-carb, keto, or carnivore diet, then your current level of protein intake is working well for you. But if you’re not experiencing some of the benefits keto is often expected to deliver, consider whether reducing your protein intake could help shift things in a better […]
Struggling to lose weight even though you’re doing everything right with your keto diet? It could be your thyroid! Thyroid hormones have a powerful influence over your metabolic rate, which means they can affect how readily your body will let go of excess fat. Let’s take a closer look at the effect of thyroid hormones […]
Mornings can get hectic really fast (school drop off, traffic-heavy commute to work, appointments, etc.). Luckily, fast food chains have some pretty good keto-friendly options for days when you hit the ground running from the minute you wake up and don’t have time for another breakfast option! Our recommendations are below. If you’re looking for […]
There’s something about the salty, crispy, crunchy nature of chips that can make them hit the spot in a way nothing else can. Here are my favorite keto-friendly options when I am looking for chips for a quick snack, or to use with a dip. This article may contain links to affiliate websites, and Keto […]
Even if you have normal blood sugar, chronically high insulin could be the culprit behind some of the health issues you may be dealing with—like migraines, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and so many more. In the keto community, we put a lot of emphasis on maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and rightly so. After all, more […]
Since elevated insulin is the main cause of high uric acid (barring genetic disorders or use of medications that increase uric acid), it stands to reason that eating in a way that lowers insulin could potentially be helpful for maintaining a normal uric acid level and preventing gout flares. What is gout? Gout is a […]
Anyone interested in optimizing their health can benefit from wearing a CGM. These devices can be a helpful tool to customize your diet because you can clearly see how the foods you choose affect your glucose level. Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) can be game-changers for improving your health, but they can be anxiety-inducing if you […]
The answer to whether keto bread is a good idea for you is: it depends. If you’re following a keto diet, bunless burgers and lunchmeat rollups are great, but let’s face it: sometimes you just want some bread! But bread is verboten on keto, right? Not so fast. Search for “keto bread” and you’ll find […]
“Available evidence suggests that carbohydrate restriction and ketosis afford benefits to kidney function.” BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care It’s undeniable that keto diets are good for weight loss, reversing type 2 diabetes, and improving conditions related to metabolic syndrome, like PCOS and hypertension (high blood pressure). However, there are still a lot of myths […]
Keto diets have anti-inflammatory effects shown to improve biomarkers of inflammation and improve conditions related to chronic inflammation. Inflammation is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot in health circles. It’s especially good for marketing: “This amazing anti-inflammatory superfood supplement will change your life!” “Avoid these ten toxic foods that cause inflammation!” But what […]
There is reason to believe that ketogenic diets may be helpful as adjunct therapies alongside conventional cancer treatment or in conjunction with other metabolic therapies. Ketogenic diets have long been used for weight loss, reversing type 2 diabetes, and improving other issues related to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. But over the last few years, […]
The science is clear that keto diets are excellent for weight loss and reversing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome—which are also the three biggest risk factors for fatty liver disease. Keto diets are sometimes referred to as LCHF – for low-carb, high-fat. So if you have fatty liver disease, surely you can’t eat keto. […]
Let me say this in plain English: cutting carbs and increasing fat is a simple and safe treatment for PCOS. Do you have PCOS or know a woman who does? Chances are you do, because PCOS is the most common endocrine problem among women of reproductive age, affecting approximately one in ten women or at […]
Do you have bad breath on a keto diet? What’s up with that? Maybe you’re getting some amazing benefits from keto but the extreme bad breath is enough to make you grab the first donut you see. “Keto breath” may be unpleasant but it’s actually a good sign: it’s proof that you’re burning fat! The […]
Recent studies suggest that keto could have promising results for patients with Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular concerns, and migraines. While keto isn’t anything new, more and more research continues to be done showing its benefits, and telling us more about how it works in the body. Let’s take a look at some recent studies […]
Rather than asking if older people can follow a keto diet, reframe it as, “Can seniors eat good quality proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables?” When you ask it that way, the answer is obvious. We know that children can follow keto diets because ketogenic diets were first developed as a treatment for children with […]