Chris Bair holding bacon
Dec 27, 2023  ·  4 min read
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Introducing: SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix by Keto Chow

Saltt flavor lineup
Saltt Electrolytes

Today we are introducing something new: a brand new line of flavored electrolyte drink powders and it’s launching a completely new brand: SALTT (pronounced just like “salty”).

We decided to launch this new drink mix for various reasons, let’s talk about what sets it apart from everything else available.

Taste / Flavor

Flavor was what started this entire project! Most of the flavored electrolyte powders on the market have an overpowering amount of flavoring, sweetener, and citric acid added to cover the saltiness. We will typically see people diluting other electrolytes in 24-64 oz of water because the taste is so strong, that they’re not very palatable in a regular 16oz water bottle.

We wanted something that would taste great without needing to use a gigantic jug of water, so we optimized our mix and flavors for that regular 16oz bottle. Just tear open a packet and dump it into a regular water bottle, what could be easier?

Flavor lineup of Saltt Electrolytes

Speaking of flavoring, we’re launching with 9 flavors. Each is available in a 30-pack of just that flavor:

9 flavors of SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix

Plus we have three 30-pack variety packs so you can try different flavors:

Better Mixing

We wanted to make something that dissolves instantly in water (whether ice cold, room temperature, or even hot if you want to make hot cocoa) and dissolves completely with no sediment–and that’s exactly what SALTT does.

Simple Ingredients

Most flavors of SALTT have 6 simple ingredients: powdered salt, potassium chloride, malic acid (for tartness), purified Stevia (more on that later), and natural flavors that are made into powder using acacia gum. There’s also cocoa powder in the chocolate flavors.

  • No maltodextrin – not even a tiny amount in the flavoring. We’re extremely proud of this because it’s surprisingly tough to do in food and supplement manufacturing.
  • No sugar – your body can absorb electrolytes and water without sugar just fine, and if you REALLY insist, you can add some yourself but we’d recommend against it.
  • No colors, natural or artificial – adding color really isn’t necessary, and you can’t even see the color (or lack thereof) if you’re using an insulated bottle.
  • No citric acid/ascorbic acid – we chose to use malic acid instead, which tastes better and is less controversial.
  • No Fillers. No Dairy. No Soy. No Gluten.
  • Keto Friendly, Paleo Friendly, No Animal Products (Vegan).
  • saltt is certified Kosher Parve (non-dairy) by Scroll K
    Certified Kosher – our manufacturing facility recently added the capability to have products certified Kosher. Note that this certification came through AFTER we had the packaging printed so it will not show on the packaging for the first production run.

Allergen-Free Stevia Extracts

Some time ago, we published a blog post about Stevia and Steviol Glycosides. This sprung from some research we were doing on the sweetener used in SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix and Keto Chow CORE (same for both!) because some people were starting to make note that seasonal ragweed allergies can be triggered by stevia leaf sweeteners.

That blog post goes into far more detail, but the short version is we are using a purified stevia RebD+RebM mixture manufactured in South Korea (they’re really at the leading edge of most of what’s happening in the stevia industry). The RebD+RebM mixture yields a flavor profile that is far superior to the old stevia RebA you may be familiar with and has nearly the same purity of taste as table sugar according to the manufacturer.

If you’ve had a bad experience with stevia-sweetened products in the past, you might be very surprised by how much you enjoy SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix. Several of our employees who are avowed “stevia haters” report that they very much like the taste.

If you have a ragweed allergy (or are otherwise sensitive to it), the Glucosylated Stevia RebD+RebM we’re using in SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix is not likely to be a problem. With any allergy, especially if it’s severe, be sure you are making safe choices about your health, but we recommend checking out the study on stevia and ragweed for more information. “The Panel concluded that there is no safety concern for the use of glucosylated steviol glycosides as a new food additive at the proposed use and use levels.”

Importantly: if you do want unsweetened and unflavored, Clean Slate SALTT is exactly that.

Better Electrolytes and MORE of Them

YouTube ThumbnailSALTT is electrolytes and...
Image from back of SALTT Variety package - their a screen-reader capable version below, don't worry we got you!

Getting sodium, potassium, and magnesium is kinda the entire point of using electrolytes, so why not get the best ones available? Our number one ingredient in SALTT is “SolarSea Salts AC.” This is a dried form of our popular “Fasting Drops” and provides an excellent source of sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, and trace minerals.

What you won’t find is heavy metals or microplastics. The magnesium chloride, in particular, dissolves completely and is super easy for humans to absorb–goodbye muscle cramps!

SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix contains 3-3.5 times more magnesium than the next best electrolyte powders we’ve found, and up to twice the potassium. You’re also getting 162mg of sulfate, 2277mg of chloride, and additional trace minerals.

Exceptionally Low-Carb

You’ll notice on our 30-count bags that there’s a section telling you exactly how many total carbohydrates there are for each flavor, plus what that number is if you subtract the acacia gum we use to carry the flavor, aka: “net” carbs.

The FDA requires rounding on nutrition labels so the total carbs show “<1g” for most of the flavors, but what does that actually mean? Is that 0.9g or 0.3g? If you are concerned about carbohydrate intake, there’s a HUGE difference. We tell you the actual numbers so you can make informed decisions.

The great news is that most of the flavors are around 0.61g of total carbs, and 0.01g of non-fiber carbs, the outlier being Cocoa Loco which has enough cocoa powder to give it 0.17g.

Text from back of saltt variety package, we took great pains to make this SVG so it would be readable by screen readers.

Your new “Go To” Electrolyte

So there you are: why we made SALTT Electrolyte Drink Mix and why we think you’ll LOVE it.