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Bronson Dant
Oct 17, 2023  ·  3 min read
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Can you build muscle on keto? What’s the truth about carbs and muscle gain?

person exercising

YES! There’s a common belief in exercise science that has gym enthusiasts reaching for the nearest pasta bowl post-workout: we need carbohydrates to build muscle. From athletes chugging sugary sports drinks to weightlifters following carb-heavy diets, there’s no denying the popular belief that carbs fuel muscle growth.

At a glance, this makes sense: we need energy to perform strenuous workouts. Don’t carbs provide that energy? Plus, there’s the notion that for significant mass gain, one requires a steady intake of carbohydrates.

But let’s pause and revisit this belief.

Firstly, our body is an incredible machine. Carbohydrates aren’t even an essential macronutrient because our body can produce glucose all on its own, a function neither protein nor fats can boast.

Why Carbs Aren’t Essential for Muscle Gain

Muscle protein synthesis relies on protein

cutting into meat

To build muscle, our primary requirement is protein. Muscles are made of protein. When we work out, we cause tiny tears in our muscles. Protein helps repair these tears, making the muscles bigger and stronger.

Our body’s generous glucose storage

man working out with ball

On any given day, our bodies can store around 700 calories of glucose. This is more than enough for the average person to power through a workout session. We have a glucose “reservoir” that we can tap into when needed.

Reduced glycogen dependency in fat-adapted individuals

woman stretching

A fat-adapted person primarily uses fat as a fuel source. When this shift happens, our bodies rely less on stored glucose (glycogen) for energy. Instead, fat becomes the primary energy source, ensuring our glucose stores last longer.

Efficiency in glucose production

woman exercising

Fat adaptation not only switches our primary fuel source; it also fine-tunes the system our body uses to produce glucose, making it more efficient. We always have enough glucose to fuel our workouts and muscle-building activities.

Common Mistakes Blamed on Low-Carb for Muscle Building

YouTube ThumbnailFat loss vs. muscle gain ...

You will often hear horror stories about how everything went downhill after someone went keto. Many people trying to get back in shape or who already do a lot of fitness activities frequently lament “losing” their ability to perform at even normal levels after they go low carb. The issues are often other things that are easily addressed and will prove a benefit in the long run if given time.

Wait longer

cat on shoulder

The adaptation process for physically intense activity can take up to 12+ weeks. If there is no improvement in performance after that time, look at these other issues to make sure you’re doing the most you can to transition effectively.

Inadequate protein intake

woman eating outside

Building muscle requires ample protein. A standard recommendation is consuming about 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass or goal weight.


women on treadmill

It’s a myth that the more you train, the more muscle you’ll gain. In truth, muscles are built during rest, not during workouts. Overworking can do more harm than good, hindering muscle growth.

Compromising on sleep

woman resting on balcony

Sleep is when the magic happens. Muscle recovery, repair, and growth peak during our sleep cycles. If muscle gains are evading you, it may be time to hit the sack earlier.

Cycling carbs

looking at ice cream

This is the biggest mistake to make. It is almost impossible to fully transition to fat adapted if a constant influx of carbs starts the process all over. If you want to go fat-fueled, stop introducing carbs and interrupting the transition.

Not enough electrolytes

drinking water while hiking

This is really common. If you are starting a fitness routine and following a low-carb lifestyle, you probably need more than you’re getting now. I recommend 3-5 grams of sodium per day. 

In Conclusion

group hangout

While carbs can play a role in muscle-building, they aren’t essential and don’t have to be eaten. Your body has the necessary tools and systems to build muscle even without carbs in your diet. Ensure you get enough protein, don’t over train, prioritize sleep, and watch your muscles grow.

Looking for a high-protein, low-carb meal?

drinking shake

Then check out Keto Chow! Keto Chow is a meal shake with 1/3 of your daily recommended nutrients. It comes in over 30 different flavors, and it only takes seconds to make!